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This year the Year 4 teaching staff are Mrs Jayasekera, Mrs Lenk, Mr Vandorpe and Miss Warner.  Mrs Lenk covers 4V and 4W on a Tuesday.  In 4JL we have Mrs Verity and Mrs Lonsbrough, in 4W, Mrs Kataria and in 4V, Miss Baker.


We are looking forward to teaching our themes this year - from electricity to World War Two, from rivers and mountains to predators and their prey. The curriculum will be enriched with lots of hands on learning experiences, high quality texts and creativity. Keep checking this page regularly and watch out for your class Dojo alerts which will show our learning in action and give you opportunity to respond and engage with us. Thank you for supporting Year 4.

  • PE kit to school: Children must come into school wearing their PE kit on. Your child’s teacher will let you know what days your child has P.E. Please ensure the children are not wearing any jewellery and their hair is tied back.
  • Equipment: The only things children need to bring in is their fully stocked pencil case, reading book, reading record and a water bottle.


Termly Overviews

Our termly overviews show the range of topics covered throughout the year. Please see below for our curriculum maps that give you more information about the aspects of the topics we will cover.


Key Vocabulary

Throughout the year, we will be introducing different vocabulary to the children as part of the topics they will learn. Please see the links below for specific vocabulary for each term which you may begin to introduce at home too:


It is important that children are reading regularly at school and at home. Please ensure you are reading with your child or listening to them read at least three times a week and sign their reading record. We have weekly checks to ensure that children can choose a reading book or change their book if they have finished.


In year 4, children will receive spelling homework every two weeks. This will be focused around the pattern that they are learning at school that week. The spelling pattern is explicitly taught at school which they are then expected to practise it at home. The children will be given a task to help them to practise it. Tasks are varied to aid them to apply it to a variety of situations. They will be completing many activities in school too to help them learn their spellings. Please encourage your child to practise and use these spellings and as well the Year 4 common exception words.

Please see the link below for the year group spellings:

Year 4 Spellings

Time Tables

Within maths, it is vital in year 4 that children are working on their times tables. Children are tested on their times tables knowledge at the end of the year (please see below for more information on the Multiplication Tables Check). Throughout the week, the children will have many opportunities to practise and we will have weekly tests to monitor their progress. Going onto TTRockstars regularly will help in improving children's times tables speeds.

Here are some other websites that will also support your child in learning the times tables:

What is the Multiplication Tables Check?

  • The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is a key stage 2 assessment to be taken by pupils at the end of year 4 (in June) from the 2019/2020 academic year onwards. The purpose of the MTC is to make sure the times tables knowledge is at the expected level.
  •  The MTC is an online test were the pupils are asked 25 questions on times tables 2 to 12. For every question you have 6 seconds to answer and in between the questions there is a 3 second rest. Questions about the 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12 times table come up more often. The questions are generated randomly based on the rules of the MTC.


This year, we are hoping to visit the Verulamium Museum to support our learning about the Romans and the Globe Theatre.


What have our pupils said about their Year 4 journey?

Child 1

What was your biggest achievement in year 4? Passing Gold 1 on the Glebe challenge.

What is your favourite memory? Seeing my self-portrait on the online art exhibition.

Which subject/topic did you enjoy learning the most? Why? I enjoyed learning about the Romans because we learnt about how they tried to survive and learning about volcanoes and erupting them.

How did your teachers support you in your learning? Telling me I can do it and helping me when I’m stuck.

Use 3 words to describe your time in year 4.  Fun, Interesting, Exciting


Child 2

What was your biggest achievement in year 4? How good my handwriting is now. 

What is your favourite memory? When we went out outside and did the volcano eruptions with baking soda and vinegar. 

Which subject/topic did you enjoy learning the most? Why? The Romans because when someone came in to tell us about it. It was interesting to learn about it. 

How did your teachers support you in your learning? They explained things really well and give us explanations more than once.

Use 3 words to describe your time in year 4.  Wonderful, tricky, fun


Child 3

What was your biggest achievement in year 4? Getting my pen licence. 

What is your favourite memory? When we went made bread because I have never made bread before and it was nice experience.

Which subject/topic did you enjoy learning the most? Why? I enjoyed learning about the Romans because it’s cool to learn about things that happened in the past. We had a visitor and we use find shelter when we heard the siren like they used to.  

How did your teachers support you in your learning? My teacher supported me by explaining. For example, when we made the stockings my teacher showed me how to do it. Also, when my teacher marked my work, she told me how I can improve it.

Use 3 words to describe your time in year 4.  Exciting, successful, memorable

As part of our topic on volcanoes, we have made our own volcanoes and erupted them with some special ingredients!

We have designed and made Anderson shelters using a range of techniques and materials.

In D.T. we have researched and made bread