Welcome to Year 6
Welcome to Year 6. This year the teaching staff are:
- Mrs Long
- Mrs Akhter
- Miss Kielty
Year 6 Support Staff
- Mrs Millington
- Miss Duhamel
In Year 6 we will be covering a variety of interesting and thought-provoking topics, such as: Crime and Punishment through the ages, Evolution and Inheritance and the Mayan Civilisation.
Please see below to find out what we will be looking at each term.
Termly Overviews
Key Vocabulary
Throughout the year we will be introducing different vocabulary to the children as part of the topics they will learn. Please see the links below for specific vocabulary for each term which you may begin to introduce at home too:
In Year 6 spellings will be sent home on Monday and tested on a Friday fortnightly.
Year 6 is an important year for the children and they will be sitting SATs in May.
Please find revision activities to support your children at home.
School Journey
A school residential trip has been organised to Condover Hall in the summer term. Please see the website for more information. https://www.jca-adventure.co.uk/activity-centres/condover-hall/
In July, as well as coming together for a Leavers' Assembly, the year 6 children take part in an end of year showstopping musical production! More information about this will be given later in the year.