The children thoroughly enjoyed a fun and exciting World Book Day! They came in wearing fantastic costumes or comfy pyjamas and loved showing off their outfits! Their day started with lots of fun activities in class, such as decorating book themed biscuits, making book character masks, writing their own books and creating bookmarks. They then took part in a teacher swap, where a member of staff from another year group read them a story. They sat beautifully as they listened to a new book and the staff have not stopped singing the praises of how amazingly they all behaved and how enthusiastic they were! The children then watched a few ‘Masked Reader’ videos and tried hard to guess who was reading to them. Some videos had the grown ups stumped too! They ended the day by strutting their stuff on a catwalk to their favourite songs in a World Book Day themed assembly. A winner was chosen in each class and they received a certificate and a new book to take home.