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Young Carers Awards 2023

In March 2023, we were invited, along with other local schools, to attend  the Young Carers Awards held at the Beck Theatre in Hayes. This was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate so many of the young carers across Hillingdon and what they have managed to achieve. There were representatives from local businesses, the local authority and even the mayor of Hillingdon was there too.

Each young carer was spoken about in such detail about the fantastic contributions to society and to the other young carers and we honoured that as a school, not only had we been invited but that we also were congratulated for the hard work we have been putting into supporting our young carers here at Glebe. Then, we all had a chance to mingle with each other eating some delicious food provided by the theatre.  It was such a privilege to be a part of it and we look very much forward to hopefully attending again next year!