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"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." ~ Victor Hugo

Music is a powerful means of communication and is one of the highest forms of creativity. It brings children together and creates opportunities to work with one another using a universal language. It is an art that can be practised, appreciated, and enjoyed at many levels. Music develops children’s ability to take part in practical activities, both individually and in groups, that encourages and cultivates an enjoyment of different genres of music. Additionally, music reflects the culture and society we live in and so the teaching and learning of music enables children to better understand the world they live in. It is a creative and fun activity but can also be a highly challenging subject. It is our aim that all children at Glebe Primary School experience a high-quality, inspiring music education, which instils a life-long enjoyment and appreciation for music.


Music at Glebe Primary School aims to:

  • Give every child the opportunity to experience enjoyment through a variety of musical activities and to respond to musical emotions.
  • Develop a child’s understanding of music through these activities.
  • Help children of all abilities develop positive attitudes and to experience success and satisfaction in music.
  • Develop social skills through co-operation with others in the shared experience of music making.
  • Develop an understanding of musical traditions and enhance performance skills by learning and performing music in a variety of cultures.
  • Give children the opportunity to perform music both vocally and with instruments.
  • Encourage the children to explore a wide range of sounds.
  • Give them the opportunity to compose music and express their ideas and feelings through music.
  • Experience listening to music of a variety of styles and cultures.
  • Develop a child’s appreciation of the richness of our musical heritage.
  • Provide an array of performance opportunities.
  • Encourage high standards in performance.
  • Be motivated to enjoy and succeed in music.
  • Encourage children to express ideas and opinions about music.
  • Give each child the opportunity to develop their musical talents.
  • Develop an appropriate vocabulary to help them understand and discuss their own work and that of others.


Music is taught weekly, and we use Charanga and BBC Ten Piece for our lessons. The children are taught to appreciate music, learn about rhythm, pitch, tempo and are exposed to a large range of musicians.



All children also take part in a weekly singing assembly.

The Hillingdon Music Hub have a big involvement at Glebe and each year group benefits from a term of specialist teaching.

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Year 2 – Recorders

Year 5 Samba Drums

Year 1 – African Drumming

Year 4 – African drumming


Year 3 - Ukulele


What do our pupils say?

What have you enjoyed about music this year?

Year 1 Pupil “I liked it when we made music with our bodies”

                     “Learning about rhythm in songs”

Year 2 Pupil “You get to have a fun time because music makes me     happy”

Year 3 Pupil “I like the music that we do”

Year 4 Pupil “I have enjoyed learning all the notes and how to make music”

Year 5 Pupil “It was fun to do different things”

 Year 6 Pupil  “I have enjoyed the body percussion”

What would you like to do more of?

Year 1 Pupil “I would like to make more music with the instruments”

Year 2 Pupil “I would like to do more singing”

Year 4 Pupil “I would like to make songs with instruments”

                     “I would like to learn notes and even play or write songs”

Year 5 Pupil “I would like to do some pop and fun songs”

Year 6 Pupil “Pop songs and rap music”

What have you learnt about in your music lessons?

Year 1 Pupil “That we can make music with our bodies and not just instruments”

                    “All about rhythm and pulse”

Year 2 Pupil “You can sing differently for different types of music”

Year 3 Pupil “To play the xylophone”

Year 4 Pupil “How to play instruments in groups”

                     “I learn that 1,2,3,4 helps when you say it in your head”

Year 5 Pupil “I have learnt that music can be made with your body, not just instruments”

Anything else you would like to say about music?

Year 1 Pupil “I like listening to music a lot”

Year 2 Pupil “I love singing!”

Year 3 Pupil “It is a very fun lesson”

Year 4 Pupil “It can make you happy and relaxed when you play music”

Year 5 Pupil “You can make music in lots of way”


Our local Music Hub has recognised the value that you place on music and recommended that you become a Music Mark School! We believe music is more important than ever, so we thank you for your commitment to it even when faced with challenges.