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Hillingdon Religious Education Syllabus

We expect religious education:  To encourage children and young people to respect and value the right of people to hold differing beliefs, including, those with no faith, and to cultivate understanding and respect in a society with a diversity of faiths.

The religious education syllabus at Glebe gives all pupils the opportunity to discover and explore a number of different faiths, including those with no faith, being an equally important part of our society. The teaching of R.E. at Glebe provides pupils with the tools and skills to understand values that are shared between many religious and other world views.

The curriculum ensures that a variety of the main world religions are studied through the delivery of exciting and engaging lessons. These are periodically enriched with the delivery of workshops from external religious experts in their field.

The children at Glebe continue to enjoy learning about different faiths and particularly appreciate opportunities to visit places of worship. This both enriches their learning and gives them the opportunity to understand the relationship between beliefs and practices.

Additionally, Glebe’s R.E. learning contributes to our pupil’s personal and social development by promoting mutual respect and tolerance both in our school community and the wider community.

Interfaith week:

Glebe pupils are regularly involved in activities linked to the national, annual ‘Interfaith week’. The aims of the activities are to:

  • Strengthen good inter faith relations.
  • To increase awareness of the different and distinct faith communities in the community.
  • Increase understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs

At Glebe, we believe that interfaith understanding enhances connections between people of different faiths and beliefs and, is particularly relevant during our recent times of Covid-19, helping children understand the importance of working as a community and embracing the values shared by people of different faiths and those of no faith.


Pupil Opinion:

At Glebe we like to hear the opinion of the children about R.E. The pupils genuinely enjoy many aspects of R.E. This was evident from talking to pupils and the result of a pupil questionnaire.

Reception pupils particularly commented on how they loved learning about The Chinese New Year and were very enthusiastic about the tale of the animals that make up the Chinese calendar.

Year 2 pupil: ‘I like learning about Christmas and love singing the Christmas songs in the production.’

Year 4 pupil: ‘I love R.E, it is one of my favourite lessons.’

Year 6 pupil:  I enjoy learning about different cultures because it helps me to understand different beliefs.

Feedback and testimonials

Just a quick note to thank you and the lovely staff and pupils at Glebe Primary for the warm welcome today. I was really impressed with the standard of behaviour and fantastic answers from the children. Half an hour can be challenging for little ones, as you know, but the children were brilliant all the way through, in fact I felt like I could have kept going! The school is to be congratulated for this.

Connectar creative education

We so look forward to hearing the Christmas story through the carols, prose and prayers that the children bring. We thoroughly enjoyed i-sing-pop and are looking forward to making a return visit for the next cohort of children in due course. We will be there to host your visit and bring a Christmas message/sketch before the blessing.

Revd Felicity Davies