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Mission Statement

At Glebe Primary School we believe in an ethos that values the whole child.

We strive to enable all children to achieve their full potential academically, socially and emotionally.

Our Ethos

We aim:

  • To create a friendly, stable, secure environment in which each child’s ability, and personality can develop to its full potential.
  • To maintain a tolerant society and promote equal opportunities.
  • To promote partnership in learning, in which children are self-motivated and independent.  We encourage them to aim for excellence.
  • To be aware that every child is at a different stage of development physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually and that the curriculum therefore should be broad and balanced and include the National Curriculum.
  • To foster children’s awareness of their own identity and respect for others.
  • To encourage appreciation of our multicultural heritage through art, music and literature.
  • To assist children to develop physical fitness so that they can lead a healthy life.
  • To work in partnership with our parents and governors and to fulfil our role within the community.